The Repair Room

Restore. Recover. Perform.

About The Practitioner

Whitney McEvoy, Licensed Massage Therapist

Whitney is a Pennsylvania Licensed Massage Therapist, and a 2020 graduate of The Academy of Massage & Bodyworks in Pottstown, PA. Whitney and her husband moved to the area almost 12 years ago. She lives locally with her husband and daughter who attends Southern Lehigh School District. 

Whitney currently holds certifications in Forearm Fusion, Advanced Forearm Fusion, Cupping, Facial & Abdominal Cupping,  Pin and Stretch modalities, Thai for table practices, and is trained in Sweedish and Pre- natal massage. Whitney specializes in Deep tissue massage, and is interested in acquiring certification in Sports and Neuromuscular Massage. 

Whitney was always interested in the workings of the human body and felt a calling to work in a field that would help people. She acquired a B.A. Degree in Speech Therapy, but never felt it was quite the right fit for her. It wasn’t until some years later through making some personal health and lifestyle changes that Massage Therapy became a focused interest. The new hobbies that Whitney focused on required heightened physical fitness levels, training, and recovery methods. Pushing physically led to fatigue and injury and she was able to see first hand the benefits of this bodywork. Whitney’s already peaked interest in the human body coupled with first hand experience of massage’s benefits lead her to her increased desire to gain more knowledge about the body’s mechanics and physiology. She felt strongly that she’d not only help herself and her own personal goals with this knowledge, but others seeking similar fitness goals. Whitney took an introductory massage class and immediately knew she’d found the field she was meant to be a part of. Whitney’s knowledge base grew with each class, and is excited to be working in a field with so many possible modalities to learn and use to help individuals with their specific needs.